
Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions for Contracts concluded via the internet shop
between SEKO 2025 e.V., Am Schäferstieg 2, 21680 Stade
registered in the association register of the local court of Tostedt under VR 201659,
represented by Arndt Becker and Christoph Reyelt,
VAT identification number: DEXXXXXXXXX
– hereinafter referred to as “Provider” –
the customer designated in § 2 of the contract
– hereinafter referred to as “Customer” –
shall be concluded.

§ 1 Scope, Definitions

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions shall exclusively apply to the business relationship between the Provider and the Customer in their version valid at the time of ordering. Any deviating general terms and conditions of the Customer shall not be recognized, unless the Provider expressly agrees to their validity in writing.

(2) The Customer is a consumer insofar as the purpose of the ordered deliveries and services cannot be attributed predominantly to his commercial or self-employed professional activity. On the other hand, an entrepreneur is any natural or legal person or legally capable partnership that acts in the conclusion of the contract in the exercise of its commercial or self-employed professional activity.

§ 2 Conclusion of Contract

(1) The following regulations regarding the conclusion of the contract apply to orders via our online shop

(2) In the event of the conclusion of the contract, the contract is concluded with SEKO 2025 e.V.
Am Schäferstieg 2
21680 Stade
Registration number: VR 201659
Registry court: Tostedt

(3) The presentation of goods in our online shop does not constitute a legally binding offer by the Provider, but is merely a non-binding invitation to the Customer to order goods. By placing the desired goods in the shopping cart and completing the order process, the Customer makes a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract.

(4) Upon receipt of the Customer’s order in the Provider’s online shop, the following regulations apply: The Customer makes a binding offer by successfully completing the order process provided in our online shop.

The order process includes the following steps:

1) Selection of the desired goods.
2) Confirmation by clicking the button “Add to Cart”.
3) Review of the information in the shopping cart.
4) Clicking the button “Proceed to Checkout”.
5) Initial registration or login to the online shop followed by entering login details (username/email address and password).
6) Review and correction of the entered data, if necessary.
7) Binding submission of the order by clicking the button “Place Order”.

Before submitting the order, the Customer can return to the website on which the Customer entered their details by using the “Back” button contained in the internet browser used by the Customer, to check or correct input errors or cancel the order process by closing the internet browser. The Provider immediately confirms the receipt of the Customer’s order by an automatically generated email. The processing of the order takes place after complete payment. The offer is accepted upon receipt of the order.

(5) Storage of the contract text for orders via the Provider’s online shop: The Provider stores the contract text and sends the order data to the Customer by email. The Customer can view the General Terms and Conditions at any time at The Customer can access past orders in the participant area under their account → “Orders”.

(6) The contract is concluded in German language.

§ 3 Reservation of Title

(1) The goods remain the property of the Provider until full payment has been received.

§ 4 Prices and Shipping Costs, Delivery

(1) All prices stated on the Provider’s website include the respective applicable statutory value-added tax.

(2) The goods are shipped via email. The shipping risk is borne by the Provider if the Customer is a consumer.

(3) In the event of withdrawal, the Customer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods.

(4) Unless otherwise clearly stated in the product description by the Provider, all items offered are ready for dispatch immediately. Delivery will be made within 10 working days at the latest. The delivery period begins on the day following the conclusion of the contract for the payment methods offered. If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday at the place of delivery, the deadline shall be extended to the next working day.

(5) The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the sold item shall also pass to the Customer in the case of mail-order purchases upon delivery of the item to the Customer.

§ 5 Payment Methods

(1) The Customer may make payment by invoice.

(2) Payment of the purchase price is due immediately upon conclusion of the contract. If the payment deadline is determined by the calendar, the Customer is already in default by missing the deadline. In this case, the Customer shall pay the Provider default interest for the year in the amount of 5 percentage points above the base rate.

(3) The Customer’s obligation to pay default interest does not preclude the Provider from asserting further damages due to default.

§ 6 Warranty for Material Defects, Guarantee

(1) The statutory warranty regulations apply.

(2) An additional guarantee exists for the goods delivered by the Provider only if this was expressly stated in the order confirmation for the respective item.

§ 7 Liability

(1) Claims of the Customer for damages are excluded. This does not apply to claims for damages of the Customer arising from the breach of life, body, health, or essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) as well as liability for other damages resulting from intentional or grossly negligent breaches of duty by the Provider, its legal representatives, or vicarious agents. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfillment is necessary to achieve the purpose of the contract.

(2) In the event of a breach of essential contractual obligations, the Provider shall only be liable for the typically foreseeable damage typical for the contract if this was simply caused by negligence, unless it concerns claims for damages of the Customer arising from injury to life, body, or health.

(3) The limitations of paragraphs 1 and 2 also apply in favor of the legal representatives and vicarious agents of the Provider if claims are made directly against them.

(4) The limitations of liability resulting from paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply if the Provider has fraudulently concealed the defect or has assumed a guarantee for the quality of the item. The same applies if the Provider and the Customer have made an agreement on the quality of the item. The provisions of the Product Liability Act remain unaffected.

§ 8 Final Provisions

(1) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to contracts between the Provider and the Customers, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The statutory provisions regarding the limitation of choice of law and the applicability of mandatory regulations, in particular those of the state in which the Customer has his habitual residence as a consumer, remain unaffected.

(2) If the Customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law, or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from contractual relationships between the Customer and the Provider shall be the registered office of the Provider.

(3) If individual points of the contract are legally ineffective, the contract shall remain binding in its remaining parts. Instead of the ineffective points, the statutory provisions shall apply, if available. However, if this would represent an unreasonable hardship for one party to the contract, the contract as a whole shall be ineffective.